Notice: Investment Business Trip to China in 2023
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CEO Financial Center

Hainan Island CEO Clubs

CEO Financial Center

Hainan Island CEO Clubs

A Key Project For The Hainan Free Trade Port

In Chinas Most Advantageous Special Economic Zone

The CEO club plans to build a new headquarters in Hainan, the Global CEO Financial Center. This will be a new platform for gathering global elites and a world platform for sharing happy cooperation. Its purpose is: “Enjoy life, learn from each other, and support each other while making money.”

The Global CEO Financial Center is more than just a real estate project. It is a vital part of the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port. It is a secure investment and brings a lot of advantages. Situated in Hainan’s capital Haikou, the Global CEO Financial Center will be your Gateway to China and the world.

For all trading and manufacturing companies, an investment in Hainan will make your US-China trading much easier.


The building will take 3 years to be completed. The construction company is CRCC, China’s high-speed train manufacturer, the largest employer, and there are over 500 of his people working every day at the building. CRCC has been a member and close friend for over 20 years. CEO Clubs already has its office in the same district and J. P. Li has his permanent residence close by.

Decisions involving the building will be shared between me, Joe Mancuso, as well as my Chinese partner, J. P. Li.

The financing has been provided by an outside investor who manufactures Apple iPhones. They will be paid rental or purchase funds, not us.

Like any construction project, the earlier you commit, the lower the price. We would require a non-refundable initial deposit to guarantee the price. Plus, we could accommodate your special needs as we construct the building.

See our Hainan Planning Book for more information →.

Why Hainan Island?

Why Hainan Island?

China has designated this province, halfway between Hong Kong and Singapore as China’s next super city. The entire province, the size of Belgium, is being turned into the Hainan Free Trade Port. Import and export duties will be reduced to zero, businesses and individuals receive generous tax breaks.
The visa-free policy is extended step by step to more and more countries.

Hainan is an ideal investment location for all companies doing business in Asia and China. Due to the possibilities of duty-free import and export, Hainan is your perfect business and logistic hub. And also for your China business, Hainan is an ideal location. If you add 30% value to your goods on Hainan, you can bring your goods duty-free to the whole Chinese market.

Hainan island is tropical and has 2 major cities. The first is Haikou, the provincial capital with an international airport and ferry terminal. Haikou is the city where our CEO Financial Center tower will be located – in the heart of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

It is a beautiful city and a perfect place for your investment in China. Our good friends at the supreme Haikou Mission Hills Golf Club have 10 18-hole golf courses. They are well equipped with nighttime lights. They own a similar course an hour flight away in Shenzhen, China.

The second major city is Sanya, located at the other end in the south of the island. It is China’s single favourite tourist destination and has all the upscale hotels and spectacular beaches, like Haitang Bay or Sanya Bay. It is home to China’s main religious symbol located in the ocean, the Guanyin of Nanshan statue.

Sanya has an international airport and has about 10 million visitors annually, while Hainan’s population is also about 10 million.

Some of our Members and Partners

Visit Hainan ​

I have taken more than 1000 CEOs on other trips to China since the year 2000. See the China Picture Book written in Chinese and English to commemorate my first trip. We will conduct 9 nights & 10-day trips to China every few months. We pay for all ground expenses of our CEO Club members. We visit 2 cities on Hainan and one on the mainland, Yangzhou. It is the city of flowers and the city of the “pretty girls”.

You are free to join us for all or part of the trips.

CRCC has already built a wonderful high-speed train circling Hainan island. The island is an hour by plane from Hong Kong and Guangzhou and 2 hours from Shanghai. While Hainan has no visa requirements for many countries, we recommend everyone get at least a 10-day visa.

Government and Local Members

The CEO Clubs Financial Tower is designed to primarily be an international destination as CEO Clubs members come from all over the world. Non-Chinese companies will be given superior treatment by my partners and me.

We want it to be an international building. Most buyers will probably have a Chinese office but breathing the clean air and drinking the fresh coconut water makes it feel like Hawaii.

Every trip will include meetings with appropriate government officials, especially mayors and party secretaries. Most of these meetings will involve banquet food events.

Bilingual Books

We use books as tools to attract tenants to the CEO Financial Center. They are sold an Amazon and Alibaba. The books are meant to meet our mission of “making money and having fun while we are learning”.

Joseph Mancuso has published thirty books and sold millions of copies via Simon and Schuster. However, these books will usually put you to sleep in less than 10 minutes. Joe’s popular “how to write a business plan” can do it in 7 minutes. Joe is the founder of the 501-c-3 non-profit CEO Clubs since 1977.

Our business is building bridges between countries. Name-calling and bad-mouthing is foolish as the world’s 2 largest economies benefit the world by partnering together. We don’t get involved in politics as we have shown over 2 decades of brother-like friendship between J. P. and Joe.

CEO Smiles Book by Joseph Mancuso

Compensation & Rewards

Hydrogen Power:
The Future of Energy

CEO Clubs supports hydrogen

Given that it will be 3 years from now, most cars will use Tesla-like automobiles. China will demand an end to transportation based on fossil energy sources. There is an unusual opportunity for hydrogen fuel vehicles. They outperform lithium-ion battery cars, especially at heavier weights. There are already 5 manufacturers of hydrogen buses in the USA and China alone. In addition, the big and heavy 18-wheeler trucks will ass use hydrogen. I own stock in 2 US companies, Plug Power, which makes forklift trucks, and Ballard, which makes hydrogen refueling type gas stations. There are many more examples.

The current problem with hydrogen is the splitting of water into oxygen and hydrogen. It is an energy-intensive process, often based on fossil energy. Remember, Hainan is a tropical Island and temperatures are extreme in July and August, and the sun is always shining. Hainan and a venture capital company, of which JP and I have ownership, is now building a solar facility to produce hydrogen for free on the island and to sell it to other countries.

New Investment Opportunities

Hainan wants to manufacture heavy transportation equipment as it has a no import and no export tax policy. This makes it so Elon Musk and Tesla would have done better on Hainan than in Shanghai. But the best investment opportunity for us is with trains, as our good friend, the head of the high-speed train company, CRCC, is anxious to develop high-speed trains on Hainan. They are also constructing our CEO tower. China is the global market leader for high-speed trains while the USA ranks last.

Yes, I want to be part of it!

Secure Your Space Today – Get in touch!

And take part in the
Global CEO Clubs Investment Business Delegation
to China in 2023!

Your unique opportunity!

CEO Clubs Financial Center in Hainan SEZ Cina mobile